1313 day = 1/3/13

by Clifford F. Thies

Official Unemployment Rate - 7.9 percent
U6 Unemployment Rate - 14.4 percent
Median Household Income - down 1.5 percent in real terms from prior year, and 8.9 percent from prior peak
Number of people below the Official Poverty Line - 46.2 million, up for the third year in a row
Federal Deficit - $1.1 trillion, fourth year in a row of trillion dollar deficits
U.S. rank Economic Freedom Index - 18, down from 2 in 2000
Most recent country to surpass the U.S. in GDP per capita - Hong Kong
Percent of Americans expecting prosperity during the next year - 33 percent, down from 59 percent in 1999
Percent of Americans expecting hard times during the next year - 65 percent, up from 37 percent in 1999
Percent of Americans thinking the best years of the country are behind us - 50 percent (first time asked)

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    Wiktionary  gongoozle (third-person singular simple present gongoozles, present participle gongoozling, simple past and past participle gongoozled)
    1. To leisurely watch the passage of boats, from the bank of a canallock or bridge.
    2. To observe things idly.




    Eric Dondero, Houston, Texas USA Call/text 9798484575


    January 2013